As early as the 1980s, the founders of ECCE’LECTRO use LEDs for the first long-life signalling equipment. A long experience that allows us to acquire reliability and performance. Manufacturer LED lights
The LED solutions designed and manufactured by ECCE’LECTRO have been used very quickly to replace conventional sources and for new applications such as light beacons. Manufacturer LED lights
Leading specifiers then used these innovations to uniquely illuminate prestigious places and structures such as squares and bridges.
Hundreds of large projects have been equipped with ECCE’LECTRO beacons, projectors and strips, which still testify to their longevity.
The Champs Elysées gallery, the Beaugrenelle shopping centre, the Paris metro, the Bordeaux-Lyon motorway tunnels, the Roissy and Orly airports, the Guynemer suspension bridge over the Seine, the Longchamp racecourse, the U-ARENA stadium in Paris la Défense are among the most remarkable.
This success was built in Lyon, in a network with innovative regional industrialists, backed by their skills and proximity. Specific and flexible production methods, particularly adapted to architectural projects, have been developed to satisfy our customers.